hello you!

As a fitness enthusiast in my 60s, I understand the challenges older adults encounter as we strive to maintain or improve our fitness levels.

Let’s Master The Art of Simply Aging Healthy

Don’t worry, getting older doesn’t mean giving up on our dreams of being healthy. As a certified personal trainer and registered nurse, I aim to inspire you to prioritize your health and fitness while embracing all life has to offer.


I’m Tammy

As a certified personal trainer and registered nurse, I aim to inspire you to prioritize your health and fitness while embracing all life has to offer.

So, grab your beverage of choice – maybe a cup of coffee or a glass of wine – and let’s brainstorm together how to make this new life chapter the best one!

Let’s master the art of simply aging healthy as we make the most out of every day.

me lifting

“I will not let age change me. I will change the way I age.“

Need guidance?

Ask me how I can help!