Why Should Senior Citizens Perform Balance Exercises: Key Benefits for Healthy Aging

Why Should Senior Citizens Perform Balance Exercises: Key Benefits for Healthy Aging

Who hasn’t had a few falls? I guarantee that we have all hit the ground a time or two over our lifetime. As a child or teenager, you probably fell, got back up, dusted yourself off, and just laughed about it. Your fall was probably caused by tripping, getting pushed down, being a daredevil, or…

Is Anaerobic Exercise the Best Option for Older Adults?

Is Anaerobic Exercise the Best Option for Older Adults?

Anaerobic exercise is an incredible form of physical activity that I have personally included in my fitness routine for several years. It involves short bursts of intense activity, like sprinting, boxing, jump rope and weightlifting. For people who prefer low impact options, cycling, swimming or calisthenics can also get the job done.  Low impact activities…