Can Resistance Bands Damage Doors?: How To Prevent Damage (Updated 2.8.24)

Can Resistance Bands Damage Doors?: How To Prevent Damage (Updated 2.8.24)

Resistance bands are the most popular and versatile piece of gym equipment.  They are great for strength training and rehab exercises. Some resistance band exercises can be done with only the band and your body as resistance, such as bicep curls. However, some exercises are more effective when you attach them to a solid object such as…

My Results From Working Out With Resistance Bands vs Free Weights For 30 Days

My Results From Working Out With Resistance Bands vs Free Weights For 30 Days

Well, I did it!  30 days of workouts with resistance bands vs free weights.  I must say that it was a very interesting experience. I was really not sure what to expect. So, did resistance bands work as well as free weights for building muscle mass? Yes, they did! I was definitely feeling the burn! For…

How To Care for Your Resistance Bands:  Lubricating, Cleaning, and Preventing Drying Out

How To Care for Your Resistance Bands: Lubricating, Cleaning, and Preventing Drying Out

Are you a fan of using resistance bands in your fitness routine or rehab program? As someone who uses them regularly, I understand the importance of taking care of these versatile tools to ensure they last as long as possible. In this article, I will share some helpful tips and tricks on how to properly…