Can Resistance Bands Damage Doors?: How To Prevent Damage (Updated 2.8.24)
Resistance bands are the most popular and versatile piece of gym equipment. They are great for strength training and rehab exercises.
Some resistance band exercises can be done with only the band and your body as resistance, such as bicep curls.
However, some exercises are more effective when you attach them to a solid object such as a door or pole.
An interior door is one of the easiest and best options for securing resistance bands at home.
I mean, think about it, every home has an interior and exterior door!
But, are you hesitant to use a door for your resistance band workout because you are concerned that you will damage your doors?
Well, you can actually damage doors from the tension of the resistance bands if you don’t anchor them properly.
Or worse yet, the bands can snap back and hurt you.
So, let’s explore how to correctly attach your resistance bands to your doors and avoid potential damage or injury.
Why Choose Resistance Bands for Your Workout Routine
There are many great reasons to include resistance bands in your workout program.
- They are less expensive than free weights.
- You can do any exercise with a resistance band.
- They are easier on your joints than free weights.
- Resistance bands are great for building muscle.
- They don’t take up any space.
- You can take them with you, wherever you go – outside, on vacation, or on a work trip.
Why wouldn’t you want to use resistance bands in your home gym?
The Best Doors When Using Resistance Bands
You will want to start with choosing the best door for your workout.
Here are a few things to consider when choosing which door to use.
The Condition of the Door
First, find a door that is in good condition.
Make sure that the door is secured well to the frame.
You need to check to see if it’s warped or hollow.
If the door is in ill repair or not secured well to the frame, adding forceful resistance can further damage the door.
You may want to consider looking for a different door.
A Hollow Door vs. A Solid Door
Of course, a solid door would be stronger than a hollow door for your resistance training.
Finding a solid door in your home may not be easy.
I know that all of my interior doors are hollow.
Personally I have been using hollow doors to for my resistance band workouts out for a long time and it has not been an issue.
However, my doors are newer and in good shape.
They are also secured well to their frames.
If your doors are hollow and old or in ill repair, you may want to consider using an exterior door vs an interior door.
This could be a better option for you.
Best Door Anchor For Resistance Bands
So, you have a door picked out that should withstand the beating against the resistance of your bands.
Now, how do you secure the bands?
You need to start by getting a good door anchor strap.
A door anchor needs to stay in place and provide an anchor point anywhere around the door.
The anchor for a door should have a foam stopper on one end of the anchor and a loop for the bands on the other end.
It is usually made with thick nylon webbing.
The anchor should have enough distance between the foam stopper and the loop to fit into the door.
Resistance band anchors are pretty cheap to purchase and they are very helpful in protecting the door and your bands.
Does it Matter what Side of the Door you Place the Anchor on?
Yes, it absolutely matters.
Placing the anchor on the correct side of the door will prevent the door from flying open.
When the door opens, it will release the anchor and the band, this could cause the band to snap back. Ouch!
The safest way to place the anchor would be to have the stopper end of the anchor on the inside or hinge side of the door.
This would be the side that you would push to close the door.
The loop end should then be on the outside of the door. This would be the side of the door that you would pull towards you when closing the door.
This placement will prevent the bands from snapping back at you and causing an injury.

How to Attach an Anchor to a Door
It is pretty simple to attach your resistance bands to a door frame.
Start by opening the door.
Place the stopper side or soft foam side of the anchor on the same side as the door hinges.
Feed the anchor through so that the loop end of the anchor is on the outside of the door or opposite side of the hinges.
You should be standing outside of the door on the loop side.
Shut the door tightly. This will keep the anchor in place.
You can place the anchor at the top, bottom or on the hinged side of the door.
This is the safest way to anchor your bands.
How Much Weight Can You Apply to A Doorknob?
I would not encourage anyone to use the door handles or doorknobs.
The bands can slip off of the handle and snap back at you.
You could also break the doorknob; they are really not that strong on interior doors.
How to Use Resistance Bands on a Door
Now that you have the anchor in place and the door is shut tightly.
You should be standing outside of the door. The anchor loop should also be on the outside of the door.
Take your flat bands or tube bands and feed them through the loop.
If your tube bands have handles, remove one side of the handles to feed it through. You can then reattach the handle. Make sure that you have an equal distance between both sides of the band.
If you are using a loop band, you will want to put the band through the loop of the anchor.
To do this, take one end of the band and feed it through the loop of the anchor.
Then, take the opposite end of the loop band and bring it through the part of the band that you put through the loop of the anchor.
You should be good to go!

How To Anchor Resistance Bands Without A Door
If you don’t have a door accessible for your resistance band training or are worried about damaging your door with your resistance bands.
There are some alternatives that you can try.
Wall Anchors
Wall anchors are a great idea if you are handy and know how to properly place anchor points into a wall.
If you’re not sure how to find the stud of a wall to place an anchor, you may want to ditch this idea and try something else.
They do sell wall anchor systems. The cost deterred me from this option.
I went for a cheaper DIY option for my home gym.

For my wall anchors, we used a 2×4 and measured it to the height of my gym from floor to ceiling.
We then placed eye hooks at five different heights.
We secured the 2×4 to studs in the wall for stability.
I was able to place it in an area that provided me a lot of room to use the anchor at different angles.
I use Carabiner hooks for bands that cannot fit in the eye hooks.
A Smooth Pole or Piece Of Equipment
I also anchor my bands to my pull-up bar.
This way, I can use the bands as a pull-up assist or use them for lat pull-downs.
This is safe and easy to use.
But again, make sure that your pull-up bar is well attached and sturdy.
Pulling on the bands can cause a lot of force and break the pull-up bar if it’s not secured tightly.
If you have something like a basketball pole outside, this can also be a great alternative for securing your bands.
Just wrap them around the pole, and you should be all set.
Do not use a rough pole like a tree. This will tear up your bands and cause them to snap.
Should You Use Your Doors to Secure Your Resistance Bands?
Absolutely if you use the right doors and anchor them correctly!
However, if you don’t anchor them properly, you could damage your property and body.
Be smart and try out the bands first. Use a lighter band and less force to see if the door will hold. Make sure the door is shut tight before starting.
If you have any doubts do not try it.
Go with your gut on this one and stay safe!