Subcutaneous Belly Fat: How To Avoid It

Subcutaneous belly fat can be a very frustrating issue for women as we age.  It just seems to appear one day.  So, what causes this to occur and why is it such a struggle to lose it?    

As women age and experience menopause, our estrogen levels start to drop. 

Fat moves from your lower body to the abdomen.  Your metabolism also begins to slow down, and we begin losing muscle mass which burns more calories than fat. 

This can happen in all women whether we are physically active or not. 

Belly fat is not limited to extra padding located under the skin.  It also includes visceral fat which is deep inside your abdomen and surrounds internal organs. 

Visceral fat has been linked to heart disease, diabetes type II, high blood pressure and abnormal cholesterol as well as breathing problems.  A waist measurement over 35 inches in women indicates greater risk for health issues. 

It is very important to work on reducing belly fat not only for your physical appearance but also for your future health. 

How to Lose Belly Fat Naturally

You may feel that you cannot do anything about this change in your body, but the good news is you can. 

Research has found that visceral fat does respond to a healthy diet and exercise when used together. 

Tips for a Healthy Diet

  1. Avoid sugar in your diet.  This includes added sugar and natural sugar. 
  2. Decrease carbohydrates in your diet.  You don’t need to stop eating carbs just replace refined or “bad” carbs with complex “good” carbs. 
  3. Bad Carbs are found in processed foods and can be found in white bread, white rice, potato chips and regular pasta. 
  4. Good Carbs are plant foods and can be found in whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruits. 
  5.  Increase your soluble fiber intake.  Fiber helps you to feel full, so you eat less.  Some sources of soluble fiber include avocados, legumes, flax seeds and brussels sprouts.
  6. Increase the protein in your diet.  High protein helps to decrease your appetite and gives you a feeling of fullness.  High protein foods include fish, eggs, chicken, red meat and dairy. 
  7. Begin a probiotic supplement. This can help improve gut health and promote your immune system. 
  8. Limit your alcohol intake.  Drinking too much alcohol can make you gain belly fat. 
  9. Increase your water intake and avoid sodas or sugary juices. 

Exercise Suggestions

  1. Cardio exercises can help you burn calories.  This has been proven to be one of the best ways to decrease belly fat.  The frequency and duration of the exercise is more important than intensity.  Some forms of cardio include walking/jogging, cycling, stair climbing, and swimming.
  2. Weight resistant exercise or strength training.  This has been proven to gain muscle mass and decrease belly fat. 
  3. Flexibility exercises such as yoga helps to decrease stress which can contribute to belly fat. 
  4. Get plenty of sleep.  Sleeping 7-9 hours per night is recommended to help with visceral fat. 

In Conclusion

Unfortunately, there is no magic pill or potion to take to get rid of subcutaneous belly fat. 

It does require some lifestyle changes to decrease belly fat. 

Try to begin a workout program if you have not already started one and watch what you eat.  After a while this will just be part of your normal routine. 

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