The Ultimate Superfood List for Women Over 60: Top 8 Foods to Keep You Feeling Young and Healthy!

We’ve all come across the term superfoods, right? 

But, seriously, what are they exactly, and are they really worth all the buzz? 

It’s been like a decade since I started hearing more and more about these so-called superfoods. 

And let me tell you, the list just keeps growing longer and longer! 

So, being the curious person that I am, I dove headfirst into researching these foods to find out if they live up to the hype. 

I discovered that some of these foods are truly super when it comes to meeting our nutritional needs, while others are just marketing gimmicks. 

As we age, our bodies go through some major changes, and we need different nutrients and vitamins for our unique needs. 

It can be overwhelming to figure out which ones are best for us at this stage in life. 

But fear not, ladies, because I’ve got your back! 

Let’s check out the top 8 superfoods that are absolute game-changers for women in our age group. 

Get ready to unlock a whole new level of healthiness! 

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What Exactly Are Superfoods?

So, what’s the deal with superfoods?

Well, let’s just start by saying – there’s no such thing as a real superfood.

Back in World War I, someone came up with the term to sell more bananas. 

And, shockingly, it worked!

Then, several years later, blueberries joined the so-called superfood club. 

After that, several more foods claimed to be superfoods.  

Superfoods are nutrient-dense foods that are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fancy antioxidants that are supposed to do wonders for your health. 

They claim to boost brainpower, give you crazy energy, and make your hair and skin shine.

I mean, they sound pretty super, right? 

But the truth is that no one food can magically grant you perfect health or stop chronic diseases.

Sure, including some superfoods in your diet is a good idea, especially if you’re a woman over 60. 

But remember, a balanced diet is key, my friend. 

Don’t go overboard!

And here’s a little secret – some of these so-called superfoods are just clever marketing tricks. 

So, be a smart shopper, read the labels and don’t fall for the gimmicks.

Healthy eating - Pre and Post Workout Nutrition is Important

The 8 Best Superfoods for Older Women 

As I’ve gotten older, my nutrition needs have changed.  

Now, I’m more concerned about chronic diseases and losing muscle mass.  

As women over 60, the risk of heart disease, osteoarthritis, poor eye health, cognitive decline, and low energy levels increases.  

So, when it comes to superfoods, I’ve found that there are some that are better than others for women like us, as we age.  

Here are the top 8 superfoods that I focus on and regularly include in my diet, perfect for women over 60.

1. Eggs

You know, eggs often get a bad rap, but I’m not really sure why. 

People say it’s because of the cholesterol in the yolk. 

But the yolk is actually the best part of the egg when it comes to healthy aging! 

These little gems are packed with essential nutrients like B12, vitamin D, protein, selenium, and even choline which helps improve mood and memory, which makes them a powerhouse. 

The cholesterol and protein in eggs, helps support the growth of healthy lean muscle tissue, which is important for keeping you lean and strong.

Plus, they are amazing for weight loss!  Eating eggs keeps you feeling full and energized throughout the day.

Personally, I love boiling eggs and keeping them in the fridge. They’re perfect for tossing into salads or just to grab and have as a snack. 

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2. Avocados

Avocados used to scare me off because of all the fat and calories. But boy, was I wrong! 

Turns out, they’re packed with the healthy fats that our bodies actually need. 

Plus, they’re a treasure trove of vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, potassium, iron, vitamin E, and vitamin B6. 

Talk about a superfood for women over 60!

Avocados have all sorts of amazing health benefits. 

They can help lower blood pressure, keep our guts happy, boost brain function and mood, and even fight off inflammation throughout the body. 

Not to mention, they work wonders for our skin by increasing elasticity and firmness.  

Of course, firmer skin doesn’t just make our faces look younger, it also decreases the appearance of cellulite!  

Win, win, my friends!  

READ MORE:  12 health benefits of avocado (

broccoli and avocados

3. Berries

These superfoods are a must-have for women over 60. 

Blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries are packed with antioxidants that’ll give you that healthy glow and strong hair. 

Plus, they’re loaded with vitamin C, manganese, folate, and potassium. 

You can boost your immune system with the power of vitamin C found in berries. 

Not only that, they also help to fight diabetes and inflammation in our bodies.

Berries are also rich in soluble fiber, which helps with digestion and yes, helps to keep us pooping!

blueberries and yogurt

4. Fatty Fish

When it comes to fatty fish, sardines, mackerel, and wild-caught salmon are at the top of the list.

Now, full disclosure – of the 3, I usually only eat the salmon.  

I’ve truly tried to embrace sardines and mackerel because they’re supposedly superior, but I just couldn’t do it.

They are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help decrease inflammation – you know, the dreaded arthritis.  

It’s also packed with minerals, like selenium, and numerous vitamins, including vitamin D, which is great for keeping our bones strong and fighting off osteoporosis as we age.

Let’s not forget that fatty fish is also a protein powerhouse, perfect for keeping our muscle mass and strength – two things we tend to lose as we hit the fabulous age of 60. 

READ MORE:  15 Oily Fish High In Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Nutrition Advance

Protein and muscle mass

5. Broccoli and Brussels sprouts  

Cruciferous vegetables like Broccoli and Brussels sprouts are packed with essential nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber. 

Plus, they’re loaded with antioxidants, which help protect your body from damage by free radicals. 

They are high in many nutrients, including fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, and potassium.

And if you’re watching your weight, you’ll love this: one cup of broccoli has only 35 calories, 2.3 grams of protein, 5.6 grams of carbs, and virtually no fat. 

They are pretty good as a raw quick snack, but you can also bake or steam them.  

Some research does suggest that gentle steaming is the best way to get the most health benefits.

6. Fermented Foods: Yogurt and Saurkraut

I love Greek yogurt and sauerkraut. They’re my top picks in this category. I make sure to have one of them every day.

The benefit of fermentation is that it actually boosts the nutritional value of food. 

Plus, fermented foods are loaded with probiotics, sauerkraut actually has pre and probiotics which can do wonders for your digestion and immune system. 

Not only that, these superfoods are rich in calcium and protein. 

Greek yogurt takes it up a notch by straining, making it more concentrated and packed with protein compared to regular yogurt. 

And we all know how important protein is as we age, right?

Just a friendly reminder, not all yogurts are created equal, so pay attention to those labels!

READ MORE:  The Surprising Impact Of Protein For Women Over 60 | Simply Aging Healthy

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7. Grass-Fed Meats 

Grass-fed meats are packed with many more essential nutrients than grain-fed. 

It’s a great source of protein, which is important for muscle repair, and building muscle mass. – which is so important since we lose muscle as we age.   

Grass-fed meats are also packed with powerful antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, like Vitamin B12 for energy and brain health. 

Zinc, Iron, vitamin E, and other important vitamins like A and K2 to help protect cells from damage, maintain healthy vision, and support bone health to decrease our risk of osteoporosis.  

It is also an excellent source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, which helps with inflammation and heart and brain health. 

The downside of grass-fed meats is the cost.  

If that’s an issue for you, I get it.  Just stick with the other variety of healthy foods that I listed.  

8. Legumes: Kidney Beans and Chickpeas

Kidney beans and chickpeas are like little protein powerhouses straight from nature. 

They’ve got all the good stuff – protein, fiber, and iron – that’s perfect for all you vegetarians out there. 

And that’s not all, they’re also jam-packed with vitamins and minerals like folate, potassium, and magnesium. Talk about a nutritional jackpot! 

So, for women over 60 trying to level up your diet, these superfoods are a must-add. 

Not only will they boost your heart health, but they’ll also help keep those chronic diseases at bay. 

Closing Thoughts on a Superfood-Enriched Journey

Superfoods are a game-changer for older people, especially women over 60. 

With the power to boost energy, improve digestion, and promote overall health, these nutrient-packed wonders are a must-have in every senior lady’s healthy diet. 

So, ladies, let’s embrace the magic of superfoods and nourish our bodies with the goodness they offer. 

Just remember that they are not the end-all be-all – you need to include a balanced diet. 

It’s time to kickstart a healthy and vibrant journey that will keep us feeling fabulous for years to come. 

Cheers to superfoods and the amazing women rocking their golden year!

Let me hear about your superfood go-tos and why you love them! 

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