The 5 Best Ways to Use Resistance Bands with Step Ups

So, let me tell you about one of my favorite exercises: step ups.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Step ups? That’s not exactly exciting.”

But hear me out, my friend.

Step ups are a great way to work those leg muscles and get your heart pumping.

But wait, it gets better!

What if I told you that you could make step ups even more challenging and effective by adding resistance bands?

Yes, you heard that right. Resistance bands can take your step up game to the next level.  And trust me, you will definitely feel the burn when you use them correctly.

In this article, I’m going to show you 5 different ways to use resistance bands with step ups.

From booty band step ups to speed resistance band step ups, we’ve got it all. So, let’s get ready to step up our game!

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Can You Build Muscle with Step-Ups?

Oh, you better believe it!

Step-ups are a fantastic unilateral exercise that can help improve your strength and balance.

Plus, they’re compound exercises, which means you’ll be working multiple muscle groups at once, including your calves, hamstrings, glutes, quads, and even your core muscles.

But wait, there’s more!

If you’re struggling with plateaus in your bilateral leg exercises, resistance band step-ups can help you get past them.

By working one leg at a time, you can address any imbalances and improve your overall progress.

So, next time you hit the gym, don’t forget to incorporate step-ups into your routine.

Your legs (and core) will thank you!

And don’t worry, you won’t have to sacrifice your bilateral exercises like deadlifts and squats. In fact, you’ll likely see even more gains in those areas thanks to the benefits of step-ups. 

What Equipment is Needed for Step Ups

I’ve tried step ups with a variety of objects, from my coffee table to a park bench.

Basically, anything that’s elevated will work. You don’t need to invest in fancy equipment to get a good workout.

When you’re just starting out, try a lower option like a stair or low box. As you get more comfortable, you can move on to taller options like a weight bench or step-up box.

To add some resistance, I like to use a booty band, loop band, or tube band. Choose the band that has the best resistance for you.

Trust me, it’ll make a difference in your workout. 

5 Ways to Use Resistance Bands with Step Ups

1.  Booty Band Step Ups

I must admit, I was a bit skeptical about trying these Booty Band Step Ups.

But I thought I’d just give them a try – after all, adding anything that can bring leg day to a new level is good.

Let’s just say there was a bit of a learning curve.

Here’s how to do this exercise:

  • Choose a platform – box, chair, weight bench, table – just make sure that it is sturdy and the surface is not too high, as the band limits how much you can lift your leg.
  • Place the booty band around both legs above the knee, but not directly on the knees to avoid injury.
  • Place one foot on the box, making sure the entire foot is on the box.
  • Place the other foot on the floor close to the box.
  • Lean forward and apply pressure to the heel of the foot that is on the raised surface while pulling the foot that is on the floor up onto the raised surface.
  • Then lower the same foot you raised slowly back to the floor.
  • Leave the other foot on the raised surface and continue to raise the other foot from floor to raised surface for 10-15 reps.
  • Switch and repeat on the other leg.

After a few tries, I found these Booty Band Step Ups to be a great addition to my workout routine.

The booty band really charged up the step-ups—I could feel the burn in all the right places. 

2. Banded Step Ups

I tried the Banded Step Ups exercise using a Pull Up Assist Band.

It was quite an experience!

Here’s how to perform these step ups:

  • Place the loop band under your right foot and the other end of the band around your shoulders.
  • Place the banded foot on a raised surface and the other foot on the floor close to the box.
  • Lean forward and hold onto the band on either side.
  • Then, apply pressure to the heel of the foot on the raised surface while pulling the foot on the floor up onto the raised surface.
  • Squeeze the buttocks as you slowly lower the same foot back to the floor.
  • Continue to raise the foot without the band from the floor to the raised surface for 10-15 reps.
  • You will then switch and repeat the same steps on the other leg.

This exercise was a great way to work on my leg muscles while also improving my balance.

Plus, the resistance band added an extra challenge.

Give it a try and see how it works for you!

3.  Lateral Step Ups with Loop Band

Lateral Step Ups work several muscles including your buttocks, your quads (the front of your upper legs); hamstrings; calves and core.

So don’t be afraid to give them a try.

To up your game, try doing your lateral step-ups with a loop band.

To do this exercise:

  • Stand upright with the right side of your body next to your elevated box, step or bench.
  • Put the loop band under the right foot and loop around the back of your neck.
  • Lift the right foot off the floor by driving your knee toward the ceiling.
  • Plant the right foot on the elevated platform while maintaining an upright torso.
  • Brace your core and glutes, drive your right heel and mid-foot into the bench, and lift your left leg to the bench.
  • Your feet should be at the same level at the top.
  • Contract your glutes and hamstrings while standing on top of the platform.
  • Then, begin to slowly lower your left foot back to the floor, landing on the ball of your left foot.
  • Repeat for 10-12 reps and then change sides.

This one really worked the butt and entire leg!

4.  Step Ups with Loop Bands for Runners

I tried the step ups with bands behind me to help with running, and let me tell you, it was a challenge!

I had to work both horizontally and vertically, which made it even harder.

Here’s how to perform these step ups:

  • Tie the band off at a low point close to the floor.
  • Loop another band to the attached band to give you more space.
  • Place the second loop band around your waist.
  • Make sure not to place the box or chair too far away. This will give you some slack so that the bands do not pull you back.
  • Place your right foot on the raised surface and leave the left foot on the floor close to the box.
  • Lean forward and make sure your body is over the right foot that is on the raised surface.
  • Apply pressure to the heel of the right foot on the raised surface while pulling the left foot up onto the raised surface.
  • Then lower the left foot slowlyback to the floor, leaving the right foot on the raised surface.
  • Continue to raise the left foot from floor to raised surface for 10-15 reps.
  • Then, switch and repeat on the other leg.

You can also alternate feet if you prefer. 

This step up is definitely a challenge, but you will feel like a champion once you complete the exercise.

5.  Speed Resistance Band Step Ups

I tried out the Speed Resistance Band Step Ups and boy, did I feel the burn!

This exercise is perfect for those looking to increase their speed.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Use either tube bands or pull up assist bands.
  • Secure the bands to a lower surface close to the floor.
  • Secure the bands around your ankles.
  • Place one foot on the raised surface and the other foot on the floor close to the box.
  • Lean forward and make sure your body is over the foot on the raised surface.
  • Apply pressure to the heel of the foot that is on the raised surface while pulling the other foot that is on the floor up in front of you.
  • Slowly lower the same foot you raised back to the floor.
  • Leave the other foot on the raised surface.
  • Continue to raise the other foot from floor to raised surface for 10-15 reps.
  • Then switch and repeat on the other leg.

Remember to take it slow and steady and focus on proper form.


I never realized how versatile resistance bands could be with step ups. I mean, the possibilities are endless!

Plus, the fact that you can customize the surface and resistance level makes it even better.

And let’s not forget the convenience of being able to do this exercise anywhere – at home, on the go, or even outside. Trust me, your legs will thank you for this burn.

So, grab your bands and get stepping!

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