11 Of the Best Core Exercises for Older Adults: How to be a Stronger, Healthier You

As we get older – yeah I’m talking to you 60, 70  and 80 somethings – it becomes so much more important that we work to maintain our physical health and fitness.

After all we want to enjoy our “golden years” don’t we?

However, most of us tend to do less as we age – either due to lifestyle changes after retirement, lack of ambition and drive after becoming an empty nester or other big lifestyle change or because we’ve noticed increased body aches or pains.  I mean come on who doesn’t groan just pulling yourself out of bed in the mornings?

If you find that one of these excuses resonates with you then starting an exercise program may be just what you need!

Sitting around and not focusing on strengthening your muscles could be detrimental to being able to stay active and healthy as you age.

Okay, that sounds good but where do you start?

There is no doubt that the best place to start is by working on your core muscles – especially as we age, why?

Well, a strong core is our gait way to improved balance, stability and overall mobility.  Not to mention core exercise can help with controlling that beautiful muffin top that seems to come with the aging package!

Improved balance and stability along with overall mobility are super important as we age in order to prevent falls and unnecessary injuries.  We don’t quite bounce like we used to when we were 20, 30 or even 40!

But with so many exercises out there, it can be difficult to know where to start.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best core exercises for older adults.  I’ll start with some for beginners and then include more advanced ones that I do to help build a stronger core and enjoy a better quality of life.

We’ll also cover a range of exercises that target different parts of the core.  I will give some alternatives in case you struggle with core exercises either due to weak muscles, back or hip pain.

So, let’s dive in and discover the best core exercises for seniors!

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Understanding the Importance of Core Exercises for over 60 Year Olds

As we age, it’s so important to keep up with our physical health so that we can continue to do all of the activities we love.

Core strengthening is one of the best things to focus on because it helps up to maintain balance, stability, and good posture.

Strengthening our core muscles can help reduce the risk of falls, which is a major concern for us older adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the leading cause of injury and death among older adults.  By doing core exercises, we can improve our balance and reduce our risk of falling.

Additionally, core exercises can help reduce back pain, which is a common complaint especially as we age. By strengthening your core muscles, you will be able to better support your spine and reduce the strain on your back muscles.

I do want to point out that core muscles are not just your abs.  Core muscles include the muscles in our back, hips, and pelvis as well.

By doing a variety of exercises that target these muscles, we can improve our overall core strength and stability.

Safety Measures for Seniors During Core Exercises

We are older so lets work out smarter!

When it comes to core exercises for us older folks, safety should always be a top priority.

Here are some safety measures that we should keep in mind:

1. Consult with a Doctor

Before starting any exercise program, it’s important to consult with a doctor. They can help determine if there are any underlying health conditions that may affect your ability to perform certain exercises.

They may also be able to give you advice on what exercises are safe and appropriate for your fitness level.

2. Warm-Up and Cool-Down

Warming up and cooling down before and after exercise can help prevent injury.

A proper warm-up can increase blood flow to the muscles, making them more pliable and less prone to injury.

Cooling down after exercise can help reduce muscle soreness and stiffness.

3. Start Slow and Progress Gradually

It’s important to start slowly and progress gradually when it comes to core exercises. This can help prevent injury and ensure that you’re not overexerting yourself.

Sometimes we don’t feel the effects of our workouts for a day or two, so slow and steady wins the race!

It’s also important to listen to your body and adjust the intensity of your workouts accordingly.

4. Use Proper Form and Technique

Using proper form and technique during core exercises is especially important for preventing injury and getting the most out of your workout.

Improper form can put unnecessary strain on your back, neck, and other parts of your body.

My recommendation is to start out by doing them in front of a mirror. 

Trust me you will be surprised at the difference between what you think you are doing and what you’re actually doing!

This will help you to fix your form.  

If you’re unsure about how to perform a certain exercise, consider working with a personal trainer or physical therapist for a few sessions.

5. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is important during any exercise program.

Dehydration can lead to fatigue, dizziness, and other health issues. Make sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout.

By following these safety measures, we can ensure that we’re getting the most out of our core exercises while minimizing the risk of injury.

The Best Core Exercises for Older Adults of all Levels

Here are some of the best core exercises for us  older adults.  They can be done at home or really anywhere with little to no equipment.

I’m going to start out with the easiest core exercises to do while sitting or standing for those of you that are just starting out or maybe have some health issues that are slowing you down.

When you have mastered these then move onto the next level!  Don’t be afraid to advance – your future depends on it!

Seated Core Exercises for Total Beginners

Seated Leg Lifts

Seated leg lifts are a great exercise to work on your lower abs and hip flexors.

  • Sit on a chair with your back straight and your feet flat on the ground.
  • Slowly lift one leg up and hold it for a few seconds before lowering it back down.
  • Repeat with the other leg. Aim for 10-15 repetitions on each leg.

If you need more of a challenge – you could try doing this one while sitting on a stability ball or maybe grab a pair of ankle weights for more resistance.

Don’t be afraid to advance at your own pace.

Chair Stand

Chair stands are a great exercise to work on your lower abs and legs.

  • Sit on a chair with your feet flat on the ground.
  • Stand up without holding on to anything if you can.
  • Then sit back down.
  • Aim for 10-15 repetitions.

Standing Leg Lifts

Standing leg lifts are another great exercise to work on your lower abs and hip flexors.

  • Stand behind a chair and hold onto it for support – as you advance let go of the chair.
  • Slowly lift one leg up and hold it for a few seconds before lowering it back down.
  • Repeat with the other leg.
  • Aim for 10-15 repetitions on each leg.

Seated Side Bends

Seated side bends are great for the oblique (side) muscles. 

  • Start by sitting in a chair with feet flat on the floor.
  • Bring your arms down by your side.
  • Lean over to the right side
  • Then sit back up
  • Lean over to your left side.
  • Repeat 10-20 times.

As you advance you can grab a weight for each hand for more resistance or try sitting on a stability ball while doing this exercise.  It will work your core muscles more because you have to work to stabilize the ball.   

There is always a way to up your game!

Floor and Standing Core Exercises for Seniors

Okay, ready to take it up a level?

I will show you some of my favorite – and not so favorite, but effective – floor and standing core exercises for seniors that want a more advanced workout.

However, if getting on the floor is an issue for you – I will share alternatives with a stability ball or explain how to do them while standing.

So, let’s get started!


Planks have to be my all time favorite core exercise.  It works your entire core.  It seems easy but it is for sure mighty!

  • Start by getting into a push-up position.
  • Keep your body in a straight line from your head to your heels.
  • Hold for as long as you can, aiming for at least 30 seconds.

Leg Raises

Leg raises are great for your lower abs. 

  • Start by lying on your back with your hands straight by your sides.
  • Keeping your head on the floor, lift both legs upwards to 90-degree angle or further if you can. You can also do this using one leg if needed.  
  • As your legs are reaching the top, lift your butt slightly off the ground keeping your core tight.  
  • Lower your legs slowly back to the ground.

Repeat 10-15 times.

Seated or Standing Russian Twists

Seated or standing torso twists are a great exercise to work on your obliques.

  • Sit down on the floor or a chair. 
  • Bend your legs slightly so that only your heels are on the floor. ( to step it lift your legs completely off the floor).
  • Lean back to 45 degree angle.
  • Twist your head and torso to one side.
  • Then turn back to the center.
  • Twist your head and torso to the other side. 
  • Return again to center.  
  • Aim for 10-15 repetitions on each side.

If you can’t get on the floor or if you have back issues – you can also do this one in a chair or standing with your back straight. 

Always trying to find safer ways for you to take it up a notch!

Russian Twist 1

Clap Crunches

Clap crunches are a great exercise to work on your upper and lower abs.

  • Lie down on your back.  
  • Bend your knees and take them hip width apart.
  • Lift your knees to 90 degrees and raise your upper body
  • Clap your hands under each leg as you cycle with your legs.
  • Alternate back and forth

Try to do 10-15 reps per leg. 

clap crunches

Donkey Kicks

Donkey kicks is a great exercise to work on your low back, gluters and hamstrings.

  • Get down on the floor on your hands and knees.
  • Put your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  • Keep your right knee at 90 degrees as you lift it up behind you to hip level with your foot flexed.
  • Lower your knee back down to the ground.  For more of a challenge don’t let the knee touch the ground. 
  • Lift and lower the leg again. 
  • Repeat with the other leg.
  • Aim for 10-15 repetitions on each side.


Bridges work on your low back, glutes and hamstrings.  This is very important to keep your core strong.

  • Start by lying on your back.
  • Bring your feet in as close to your butt as possible.
  • Lift your hips up while keeping your abs in.
  • Hold this position for 5-10 seconds.
  • Then release back to the ground.
  • Repeat this 10-12 times.

If you want more of a challenge, grab a weight and put it across your lower abs – pelvic region as you lift.

You can also include your hip flexors with this exercise if you want my grabbing a resistance band and putting it on above your knees.  As you lift up push your knees out – you will feel this strengthening your hips.

Glute Bridge Pulses

Clam Shells

Another one of my all time favorites to work the hip flexors is the clam shell.  This one you can do with or without a resistance band.

  • If you’re using a mini band or booty band, you can place the band above the knees.
  • Start by lying on your side with knees at 45 degrees.
  • Lift the top leg and hold for a few seconds.
  • Then lower the knee.
  • Repeat this 10 times.
  • Then switch to the other side and repeat.

You can start without a band and as you progress be sure to grab one and take your workout to the next level.

clamshells for core exercises

How to Maintain Consistency in Core Exercises

Maintaining consistency in core exercises is essential for us older, wiser people to reap the benefits of a stronger and more stable core.

Here are some of my tips to help you stay on track with your core exercise routine:

  • Set realistic goals:You need to start by setting achievable goals that align with your fitness level and schedule. It’s better to aim for 10 minutes of core exercises every day than to set an unrealistic goal of an hour-long workout that we can’t maintain.
  • Find your “why”: Personally, I feel that finding your why is the most important thing that you can do to stay healthy!  For me it is my 5 grandsons.  When I want to skip my “getting fit time” I think of them and how much I would miss out on if I just stayed on my couch.  I never want them to see me quit – it just sends the wrong message!   
  • Mix it up:I gave you several different core exercise options and trust me I am sure there are a hundred more that I didn’t even think about.  So, try to keep yu core exercises fresh and exciting by mixing up our routine. You can try different exercises or add some variety to our workout by incorporating resistance bands, medicine balls, or stability balls.
  • Schedule it in: Make doing your core exercises a part of your daily routine by scheduling them in at the same time each day. Whether it’s first thing in the morning or right before bed, having a set time for our workout can help you to  stay consistent.
  • Find a workout buddy:Find a workout buddy to help you stay accountable and motivated. Working out with a friend can make your core exercises more enjoyable and provide you with the extra push you need to stay consistent.
  • Track our progress:We can track our progress by keeping a workout journal or using a fitness app. Tracking our progress can help us see how far we’ve come and provide you with the motivation to keep going.

By following these tips, you can maintain consistency in your core exercises and achieve a stronger and more stable core.

Remember, consistency is key when it comes to seeing results, so let’s make core exercises a part of our daily routine.


Incorporating core exercises into a your fitness routine is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being as you age.

By strengthening the core muscles, seniors can improve their balance, stability, and posture, which can help prevent falls and injuries.

I have provided a variety of core exercises that are suitable for older adults with or without limitations. These exercises can be performed at home with little to no equipment and can be modified to fit everyone’s fitness level.

It’s important to remember that consistency is key when it comes to exercise. You should aim to incorporate core exercises into your routine at least two to three times a week, along with other forms of exercise such as cardio and strength training.

Additionally, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns.

By incorporating these core exercises into their fitness routine and staying consistent, you can improve your overall health and quality of life.

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