Why are Proteins So Important As We Age

Proteins are made up of amino acids which are the building blocks of life.  It is an important part of a balanced diet especially as we age. 

why are proteins important as we age

Why are proteins so important was we age?

Protein helps to keep bones and muscles strong and repairs cells.  It is also an important energy source.

Protein also increases the feeling of fullness. When combining protein intake with a diet and an exercise program it can help with body fat loss while keeping muscle mass. 

How Much Protein Do You Need?

Determining the amount of protein that you need to consume is bit trickier.

If you consume too little it can cause fatigue, muscle loss and weakness. 

If you consume to much it can cause weight gain, irritability, and kidney problems. 

Fifty percent of women do not know how much protein they consume or how much they should consume.  

The minimum daily requirement for someone who is inactive or slightly active per the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) is 0.336 grams per pound of body weight. 

However, this is very general and only takes your weight into account.  Protein needs should be based on your age, sex, activity level, muscle mass, body image goals and overall health. 

Ways To Find How Much Protein You Should Consume

A few ways to find your personal daily protein needs would be an online protein Intake Calculator.

Try to make sure that it includes your age, sex, activity level, body weight and fitness goals. 

An online nutrition calculator could also be helpful in managing your overall nutrition needs for protein. 

You could also meet with a nutritionist who could assist you with obtaining the right amount of protein for your personal goals and needs.

It is best to consume protein at every meal throughout the day.  It will help you feel fuller longer and stabilizes blood sugar levels. 

Proteins can be found in lean meats, fish, seafood, eggs and dairy products.  Nuts, lentils, seeds, some grains such as quinoa also pack protein.

If you have difficulty meeting your protein needs, you could try a protein supplement.

Be sure to read the label of all protein supplements, not all-protein supplements are the same. Some contain large amounts of sugar, carbs or calories. Which could derail your overall diet plan.

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