7 Reasons Why People Over 60 Chose Not To Bicycle More Often

Cycling is one of the best forms of physical activity for people over 60. Mainly because it is it is easy on the joints, improves bone density and slows the aging process.

Other huge benefits of cycling include improved cardiovascular endurance and muscle strength, it can help with weight loss and reduces stress which can help improve your mood

So why don’t people over 60 bicycle more often?

In the United States, there are over 200 million bicycles on the road today. However, only about 5% of Americans regularly ride them.  Are you one of them?

Read on for the top 7 reasons why people chose not to ride their bicycles more often.


How many times do we do this?

We hesitate and sometimes just plan struggle with starting a new activity as we age.  We want to try something new but there seems to be this little voice in our head that tells us we are “too old”.

This is truly unfortunate because activities such as riding a bike can be fun and it can slow down and even reverse the aging process.

There is no better way to feel young again.  Can we go as fast maybe not but that’s ok.

In addition to being a fun form of exercise, it can make you healthy and happier.

So, get that bike out next time you are meeting up with friends for lunch or coffee or maybe start   riding to work or when going to grab something at the store.  Those little trips will add up.

Just remember, Age is just a number!


Many people who don’t ride bikes regularly say that fear of falling or injuring themselves is one of the main reasons why they don’t ride more often.

The answer lies in how we use our bodies and minds. We need to learn how to balance or bodies and minds so that we can enjoy cycling without getting injured.

If you’re new to riding a bike, then you may want to consider taking some lessons before you start riding on your own. This can be done with a cycling coach or a friend.  They can teach you ways to begin a cycling routine as well as ways to stay safe doing it.

You can learn how to balance on a bike, how to ride on hills and maneuver curves.  Learning the secrets of riding can help to keep you safe.

They can also help you figure out what safety gear you should or shouldn’t invest in.  The proper safety gear can help you to avoid injury and enjoy yourself while riding outdoors.


For some people finding the motivation to get on their bike is difficult.  They feel that they need encouragement or support that they don’t have in their lives.  However, there are many other ways to find motivation and support.

First try looking up cycling clubs in your area.  This could give you the support and push that you need to bicycle more often.

You could also reach out on social media; I have found several encouraging and informative Facebook and Instagram groups that have helped me to stay focused.

A cycling coach may also be an option for you.  Especially if you are someone that doesn’t feel comfortable about learning new things or if you don’t know how to start.

You will find that there are many people are just like you out there just trying to do more physical activity after 60.


Another reason that people don‘t ride bicycles more often is because they believe that cycling is too difficult. Many people who try to ride a bike for the first time will tell themselves that they just aren’t good enough or they will never be able to ride because it’s hard.

The truth is that riding a bicycle isn’t nearly as difficult as many people make it seem.  Riding a bicycle is easy once you know what you’re doing.

Riding a bicycle requires a lot of coordination and strength. You need to be able to balance yourself while moving forward and backward. You also need to be able to steer the bicycle without falling off.

There are lots of ways to make biking easier. For example, start a strengthening program, and try doing exercises to help with balance.  Then just practice, practice and practice.

As you ride you will become stronger and more confident and going for those rides will come a whole lot easier.


If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to riding a bicycle, then you might want to consider taking a class. There are many different classes available at local bike shops, community centers, and even online through websites such as BikeFit.com.

These classes will teach you everything you need to know about riding a bicycle.

They can help to get you started with balancing, pedaling, proper and necessary safety equipment and the rules of the road to keep you safe. 

As you progress, they can teach proper breathing techniques as well as how to get up a dreaded hill. 

You won’t regret learning how to ride a bike! 


 Another reason why people don’t ride bicycles more often is because they just simply don’t have enough time.

Many people work full-time jobs and still try to fit in exercise. This means that they don’t have enough time to ride a bicycle.

It can be easier than you think to get in an extra ride.  You may consider riding your bike instead of driving to the coffee shop to meet up with friends.  You could also hop on your bike if you are just running to the store for a couple of items. 

Those small trips can add up to a lot of extra riding. 

The benefits of riding a bicycle are endless. Not only does it help you lose weight, but it helps you build muscle too. In fact, according to the c, cycling burns more calories than running, swimming, walking, and jogging combined.

Cycling also improves cardiovascular health, strengthens bones, and reduces stress levels. All things that we need while aging. 

Plus, riding a bike is a great way to see nature and the sights.

I don’t know how many times I say, “I don’t have time”.  In reality, especially as we age, life tends to slow down a bit, so finding time can be a little easier. 


If you live somewhere where the weather is bad, either long rainy seasons or snowy winter wonderlands, then you may not want to ride your bicycle more often.  It just may not sound very fun.

However, most cyclist don’t seem to be bothered by the weather.  In fact, according to a survey conducted by the League of American Bicyclists, nearly half (44 percent) of Americans say they would rather ride a bicycle than drive a car.

And if you want to get some exercise without having to deal with traffic jams or parking problems, there are plenty of places where you can go cycling.

There are many different kinds of rain gear and cold weather clothing options that you could consider.  You may be surprised how much you enjoy riding in different weather.

Sometimes it can make you feel like a kid again and take your mind back to some wonderful memories that can leave you smiling for the rest of the day.


If you’re thinking about riding your bicycle more often to get out in the fresh air and fit in a little workout, start by taking a few small trips every day.  

When you feel more confident increase your riding time slowly and go further.  Those little rides will get you out riding your bicycle more often! 

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