Embracing Change: Living Life to the Fullest After 60

As women over 60, we have lived through a lifetime of changes.  

Some of these changes have been amazing, and some have been the most challenging things that we have ever had to go through.

But somehow, we have come through each of them a stronger version of ourselves.  

As I move through my 60s, I realize that change is inevitable and can actually be the best gift ever. 

Embracing change allows us to live life to the fullest and experience things we never thought possible.

We now know so much more about ourselves and what we want and don’t want in our lives.  

It’s a new chapter, a new part of our story that has yet to be written – not the end of the book!

As empty nesters and retirees, this is our time to do all the things we’ve always wanted to do “someday”.  

Whether it’s traveling to a new place, starting a new hobby, or even making a career change, embracing change can open up a whole new world of possibilities.

Of course, embracing change isn’t always easy. It can be scary to step out of our comfort zones and try something new. 

But the rewards can be amazing. 

We are all strong, resilient women, and this has been proven time and time again.  

Everything that you need to be the best version of yourself is in you, but you must be willing to let it shine and direct you to the best life possible.  

As George Eliot famously said, “It’s never too late to be who you might have been.” 

best ways to fight aging

The Adventure Begins: Embracing Change after 60

When I started this article, I thought that I knew exactly what I would say – but boy was I wrong.  

There was a part of me that thought, I have to talk about other women that I know because I really haven’t changed much since turning 60.  

This couldn’t be further from the truth.  

I have changed, I am no longer the woman that I was 10-20 years ago.  

That girl was a people pleaser, she never set boundaries, she worked all of the time and certainly didn’t live life to the fullest, she just lived in her comfort zone.

At 62 years old and 3 weeks from retirement, I started to realize that I am no longer that girl – she is gone, long gone.  

I always thought that life would just stay status quo, that 60 was the end.  

But now I realize that it’s just the beginning.  

Now I have more freedom and less “give a damn”!

I no longer have to conform to what people at work, my grown children, or society think.  

Embracing change after 60 has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. 

It’s opened up a whole new world of possibilities and experiences. 

Learn to Love Your Body

It’s not a big news flash that our body changes after 60.  

Gravity is no longer our friend…. it’s now our nemesis!  

That’s right, our boobs sag, our jawline drops, our body shape shifts, and then there are the “laugh lines”.  

Trust me, it happens to all of us!

But I have learned to embrace this! 

Laugh Lines

I embrace those babies!

Why shouldn’t I?  Each laugh line tells my story – all of it.  

I have laughed, cried, loved, and worried, and my face reminds me of every one of those moments that made me who I am.  

So, many women I know chose to change them with injections and facelifts – and that’s fine if it makes them feel good about themselves.  

Personally, I chose to wear my lines proudly.  

A few months ago, I even stopped wearing make-up – I never would have done that 10 years ago!

But now, I just wanted to let my natural self shine.  

READ MORE: Best Ways To Fight Aging: Tips And Tricks To Keep You Looking Younger | Simply Aging Healthy

powerful affirmations to reverse aging

Saggy Boobs and Muffin Tops

And what about that infamous muffin top and saggy boobs? 

I’m okay.

I chose to embrace that, too, because my body also has its own story to tell. 

It has gotten me through so much over the years, including making 2 healthy babies and fighting cancer.   

I do take care of myself by exercising religiously, drinking plenty of water, and watching what I eat – but gravity still takes over.  

So, I just buy better support bras and rock all of my curves proudly.  

Going Gray

Don’t be afraid to come out of your comfort zone and go gray, or maybe try a bold new color like pink or purple to mix things up. 

I will admit that I haven’t tried any of these options yet, but trust me, I have thought about them a lot.  

Right now, I am still out in the workforce, so I’m still a bit limited, but after retirement, all bets are off!

Find Your True Style

Old Women Should Dress Conservative

Screw that!

For years, I had to dress and act the way that society dictated.  Dress code for work and looking respectful at the kids’ school and social events.   

But not anymore!  

Now I get lost in the junior section – definitely never in the old lady section!

I do stay clear of the belly shirts and Daisy Duke shorts.

Seriously, those days are gone and not coming back! 

However, you may find me in a two-piece bathing suit and a floppy hat at the beach or in my backyard!

Brighter colors and outfits that I never wore when I was younger are now my jam.

What I’ve found is – who cares, if it makes you feel good and pretty – WEAR IT! 

READ MORE: 30 Outfits for Women Over 60-Fashion Tips For 60 Plus Women (outfittrends.com)

me getting ready to lift
embracing change

Drive the Old Lady Car

I always drove the “mom” car. 

You know, the mini-van.

After my kids were older, it was then the practical car that was good on gas.

My husband usually picked it out, and I drove it.

A few months ago, I thought, “I’m done with the MOM car, and there was no way in hell I was getting an old lady car”!

I bought a Jeep Wrangler – the top is off most of the time and I just let the wind and of course bugs whip through my hair.

​I have a tire cover with a big bright peace sign on the back, and my dash is pinked out with all my ducks on display.

Yep, this is me!  The new me!

My car
Inside my car

Explore and Learn New Things

Back to School

I really never thought that I would go back to school.

After nursing school, I had my career and no reason to go back except for continuing ed type classes.  

However, never say never as they say because I am back taking online classes to become a personal trainer.  

This has been a lifelong dream for me.  

I’ve learned that you’re never too old to learn new skills or start a new career path! 

Start New Hobbies

Find something that you’ve always been curious about.  

Maybe, photography or gardening.  Or maybe you are more active and want to try a sport like pickleball or golf.  

​A few years ago, after fighting my husband that golf is not a sport – I gave it a try –  and guess what?  I actually really like it.

We now play golf weekly with a golf group. 

But I wouldn’t have known this had I not given it a try.  

Now I’m dabbling with gardening – it’s a great way to get outside and be active. 

Next year, I plan to make my gardening an even bigger hobby.  

Travel To New Places

Traveling is another fantastic way to have new adventures.  

It can be a life-changing experience.

This doesn’t have to be a big, long, expensive trip.  

My husband and I love to take off for long weekends on our motorcycles to see things that we usually miss in the car.

We also scheduled an Alaskan Cruise – our goal is to see everything!  

This is just the first of many bucket list trips that we plan to take. 

dolphin adventure

Get Off the Rocking Chair

Dance Like Nobody’s Watching

I never thought I would say this, but I love dancing! 

I’m not good at it, and I only do it at home but it’s a great way to get up and get moving.  

In the past, I was obsessed with working out – but it was cardio like running, cycling or brisk walking and, of course, weightlifting.  

Of course, this has always been great, and I still do them, but now I want to be a little more Zen.  

Yoga and dancing are a perfect solution to add to my regular exercise routine.

Whatever your thing is, do it – staying healthy is key.  

READ MORE: 10 Fun And Easy Ways To Stay Active After 60 | Simply Aging Healthy

Downward facing dog

Balanced Diet

Another positive change has been focusing more on my eating habits. 

I really don’t believe in “dieting.” I did it for years, and it was not good for my mental health.  

I now just believe in eating a healthy diet with lean protein, whole grains and healthy fats 80% of the time and enjoying the “not so good” food 20% of the time.

It’s less stressful, and I can just enjoy food instead of obsessing about it.   

Protein and muscle mass

A Spoonful of Laughter: The Best Medicine

I now laugh so much more than I used to.  

It truly is the best medicine for our mental health.    

Find a way to get a good belly laugh every day. 

Find Good Social Connections  

Make New Friends but Keep the Old

Be sure to surround yourself with a good support system.

After re-evaluating who I spent time with, I realized that some of my tribe really weren’t supportive and often were my biggest critics.  

So, I have started distancing myself from some of them – even close friends and family members.  

I now set boundaries with everyone in my life.  

I no longer drop everything for everyone.  I no longer allow people to talk down to me or constantly criticize me and my choices.  

As Roy T. Bennett said, “Even if you cannot change all the people around you, you can change the people you choose to be around. Life is too short to waste your time on people who don’t respect, appreciate, and value you. Spend your life with people who make you smile, laugh, and feel loved.”

Spend Time with Family

Time with family can be priceless, so I try to spend more time with them.  

Everyone is getting older and going their different ways, so now is a good time to embrace every moment with them.

My siblings and I try to have a monthly sibling night to just reconnect. 

We spend most of the night talking and laughing.  It makes my heart happy.  

Family time

Learn to be Present 

Be Where You Are

This has truly been a hard one for me.  

I have always had jobs that I work long hours not necessarily in the office, but I carry a phone and have to deal with things as they come up. 

So, no matter where I was or with who, I gave half of my attention to where I was and half of my attention to my work/phone.

I no longer do that. I now focus on where I am and who I’m with.  

This has been a game-changer for my personal connections.

Meditate and Be Mindful

Not going to lie – I never believed in meditating.  

Who had time for this? Well, I found out who doesn’t.    

I now wake up a half hour earlier than I used to so that I can spend 15-20 minutes meditating and 10-15 minutes doing daily affirmations.  

This really sets my whole day up to be calmer and more productive.  

READ MORE: Powerful Affirmations To Reverse Aging: My Top 40 | Simply Aging Healthy

meditation and mindfulness

Embrace Change in Our Golden Years

Change is just a natural part of life.  

We can’t avoid it, especially in this stage of life – but why would we want to?  

This can be an amazing time to change up a few things in your life for personal growth.  

New experiences can be the first step to living your life to the fullest.  

Start with small steps so that the changes aren’t overwhelming to you.

Be who you want to be and where you want to be.

Life is short, and we have been given a golden opportunity to hit the reset button.  

I would love to hear about some of the changes that you have added to your life.  

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